Marist College
What makes Marist so Special?
We believe it starts with our mission and values. Marist was founded by the Marist Brothers, who first arrived in Poughkeepsie, New York in 1905. The Marist Brothers were and are famous for their skill and dedication as educators and, even though Marist has not been religiously affiliated for many years, their values remain central to who we are. Those core values are excellence in education, a sense of community, and a commitment to service.
At Marist, we demonstrate excellence in education through an emphasis on quality teaching in a small classroom setting. Our dedicated faculty really get to know their students, leading to mentorship, joint research opportunities, and intellectual guidance. We believe in the value of a liberal arts education and the idea that all students–no matter what their primary field of study–should receive a broad education across many disciplines, learn to think logically and creatively, and be able to communicate effectively.
Excellence in education also includes a forward-looking educational philosophy that incorporates the use of technology and meaningful learning opportunities outside the classroom–everything from internships to study abroad to leadership development programs. At Marist, we believe that the best type of education prepares students for success after college.